How do I prepare for my appointment?

Please bring Photo ID with you to your appointment.
On the Day:
Allow yourself plenty of time on your tattoo day and try not to book other appointments. Occasionally appointments take longer than expected and sometimes you can feel very drained after getting a tattoo.
PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY to your appointment. Due to the size of our studio we are unable to accommodate you in the studio before your appointment.
PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARE ON TIME - if you are late we may not able to extend your appointment beyond the allocated time slot.
Personal Possessions:
Please limit the personal possessions you bring with you (leave them securely in your car where possible).
Please bear in mind you will be at the studio for up to 2 hours longer than the time we expect the actual tattooing will take, so we strongly advise you to take this into account when parking your car. This is to allow for preparation time, breaks and going through after care.
There are free car parking areas within 5 minutes’ walk from our studio on Abbey Road and the end of Blake Road.
If your booking is for a consultation only there is a short stay carpark on Gordon Road almost directly opposite the studio.
We recommend you eat a well-balanced meal within the TWO HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. If you have skipped breakfast or lunch, you will be asked by your tattooist to go and get food before your appointment and this will cut into your appointment time.
Try to avoid heavily sugary food and drinks (such as sweets, chocolate and energy drinks) as these can cause fluctuations in your blood sugar levels which can sometime lead to feelings of nausea, dizziness and fainting.
You are welcome bring snacks and drinks with a lid to keep you hydrated at the studio.
Please wear clothes that are not expensive. Our artists try to be careful with the ink but sometimes it can get on clothing. Try to wear loose fitting clothes and it is always wise to bring a ZIP OR BUTTON-UP CARDIGAN as it is easy to get cold when you sit still for long periods of time. These items can be reversed or moved easily to expose one arm.
In the wintertime, we recommend wearing some cosy socks and a hat along with a cardigan as these can make your tattoo experience more comfortable. You will be sitting still for a long time, and this can reduce your circulation and cool you more than normal. You are welcome to bring a small blanket to your appointment if you are concerned about being cold and exposed.
Moral support:
PLEASE COME ALONE. Unfortunately, due to the size of the studio we are unable to accommodate the friends and family of our clients.
If you need of a chaperone, please email us at contact_us@Vellumtattoo so that we can make arrangements.
We highly recommend not drinking any alcohol for minimum of 24 hours before your tattoo appointment.
Avoid getting sun burned. We cannot tattoo sunburnt skin! Avoid sun beds minimum of 2 weeks before your tattoo.